
Pieter Venter

Node, Javascript, React, GraphQL, Flutter, React Native

email: [email protected]
website: https://pieter.venter.pro
GitHub: cyrus-za
ZATech: pieter
Twitter: VentusCyrus
website: pventer1

Personal blurb

I enjoy working with startup to help them grow from zero to enterprise. I have over a decade experience coding in various technologies.

As a entrepreneur I have a lot of understanding of business needs and I am here to solve real business problems, not just trying to invent cool new tech.

I’m happy to do a free, 30 minute video call to discuss your requirements and determine whether there’s synergy between us. Ultimately, I’d like for both of us to walk away from a project feeling like we’ve done a good deal.

My preference is to work remotely via technologies like Slack, Skype, Zoom and Trello.

Skill Set

Primary skills:

I have previously worked with C#.NET, Java, Python, Ruby and many other technologies but the JS ecosystem is miles ahead of other languages these days.

Time Availability

Flexible, with a strong preference for remote work.

About Me
Stack overflow